The Beauty Of Music

First off I’d like to apologize for not posting in a bit, I’ve been busy.

Today’s topic will be more of a light hearted sort, and more of on the entertainment side for a change of pace. Music. I hope for this to be somewhat of a fun read because who doesn’t love it? But wait… Why do we love it so much? You experience the answer every day but do you know why? What makes it so loveable? Well first off the answer to that question is, why does it love you so much? Artist wouldn’t put out anything to other people if they honestly thought it was bad right?! Right. Why would they? This is the art that expresses them in an entertaining way letting you take advantage of their entertainment to see their reality they so deeply want you to understand! That’s awesome. Listening to a 3 minute song that you find fun to hear is like them panning out the gold (messages, experiences, hardships, lessons, great moments, ect ect out of their own river (Their life they had to experience to strain the gold out of) and dying to give it to you! Of course you take the gold! Right! I’d feel dumb if I didn’t, that’s for sure. What else is their to like? Well a ton to say the least. There’s so many styles and genres us as human beings are available to! With so much to choose from, its wise to experiment with all you can! Why not? All these different genres have a unique way of outputting some great messages. Its up to you to decide which one you like the most,only for that matter if it’s a single one in the first place. These questions takes us to the next subtopic on the ladder of intrest.
What do you yourself find so entertaining about music? Is it the cool sounds of all these new instrumentals and vocals were so privelaged to hear in the 21st century thanks to the gift of technology? Is it the message within we want to believe we understand or actually do understand? Is it the lifestyle that accommodates the specific genre? Is it the big stars who’ve made it their road to beint a capitalistic success and someone you’re actually able to look up upon? Well let’s start on the subject of music technology. Would you have ever thought these sounds would be created with out brilliance combined with emotion? Let’s rewind back to the beginning actually. I’ll give you a class A example of brilliance and emotion…from 128 years ago. You might even have heard of the guy, he did pretty well for him self I guess. He goes by the name of Thomas Edison. Edison was the first to actually record sound. But how? Well his first sound recordings were derived from sheets of tin foil! What??? Don’t give Tommy boy no garage band. Give him the credit to its beginnings. This is brilliance to me because who in the right mind in 1887 would have thought to do this? Or even thought recording sound in the first place would be so cool and develop to what it is now. It later developed in to what he called a phonogram. Take apart the word phono gram and you will see what the definition is yourself. It can also be referred to as a “turn table”. That’s right DJ Eddy was in an actual “lab” making beats. One question you might have from reading so far is, “how do we store sound?” Well I’ll tell you, how did you get home from school today? You took… The same way you came from, right? Well recording music can work in the same way. When you play back a song on a record player, the needle and railings on the record meet in addition to the record spinning, causing a specific vibration to be produced every time your record is spun, do tk the sound waves it creates from the railing’s specific shape, are amplified in to music! That’s what music is right? That’s what sound is right? Vibration. Interesting. How many possibilities come from all the different rails you can construct? That being the most primitive creation of music let’s jump to 2015, where were at. What do artist unlike DJ edison have now? So many things. Now what does it mean to you to truly express yourself knowing that someone can by using vibration at its most primitive form? Look at all of modern artist tools! Their possibilities are far beyond endless, and that’s the beauty! Thats one thing to find entertaining about music for sure.

Many of us listen to music for the pure enjoyment, and other times for the relatable message. Both are great things about music. The interesting thing however is that many don’t realize the possibilities of the interpatation of music. How have you matured in the eyes of music? Have you ever seen something different in a song that you listened to a long time ago and see something different? If so, you see another beauty of music. Your and the song’s proggresion. Artist’s music is similar to an entertaining message that he or she tries to convey to you. Like an interactive publish. The beauty of proggresion is ones ability to see the true message of music at the peak of what you think to be your maturity. Through experiences. When this is accomplished its similar to the artist talking right to you. Clarity is awesome. Another way of looking at musical progression, is seeing the artist’s progression. Their timeline displayed through art, their changes, discoveries, and experiences. All expressed through vibrations, like a magic audio book to your ears. One great example of this is the series of albums “Tyler the Creator’s series of albums he’s put out. I’ll leave a link with that insight here.
Then you will have a better grip of what I’m talking about. The chronological progression of ones mind is one of the most facisnating things about music. Its also can be relatable to our selves in different stories with different shoes. Through artist’s experience you seeing the light and dark of their path is amazing. Sometimes experience is the only way to mutual understanding.

Interesting enough, a lot people are tired of listening to the radio. This is one of society’s big changes. Music has been known by many to be the “rebellious voice of the youth” which is interesting. How ever from the other side, I would prefer to express it as, the attempt to have adults understand the things of the youth they simply can’t by being raised in a different generation from now. It represents change, for the good and bad. Its a source of mutual understanding. A bridge for all ages. It can also be reversed to adults trying to have us understand their generation. Lyrics and various sounds can lead to an imaginary time machine that was once and what still may be reality, or your feet in another’s shoes. Replacing your eyes. Creating a world envisioned by vibration and sound. Its almost physical telapathy. From literal vibrations we see a place. Noting but facisnating. Creating the world you see out of what you hear is great. Maybe that’s why people use it as an escape, it replaces your reality with an imaginary world you love, just by listening. Someone else’s creation puts their world in your head.

To end, I’d like to publicize who I see to be putting out some great music for the youth, and tell great stories through their entertainment from the Creek. Aaron Bohl is an avid artist with amazing lyrical flow and central messages. His beats are homemade and amazing and there’s nothing ive heard of his that is below grade A. Check his music out and visit his sound cloud.
Another great sensation of a different genre that has great music is another rising from Creek, Erwin Band. Their twitter profile is @ErwinBand check them out if you’re in to some rock. A great singer I’ve had the personal privelage of hearing up close and personal many times is Alex Ray. I don’t know many with his range of octaves and voice. He also has a sweet beard. He is Erwin’s lead singer. Ask him for his YouTube channel sometime, you won’t regret like the rest of these great artists. His Twitter is @The_X_Ray if you want to get a hold of him. Please give these guys a chance! Thank you for the read. Please stay tuned!

Common Sense. What or Who is really a problem? Supporting Yourself. Power.

A lot of people find ways to take away power from themselves. At the same time complain that they don’t have enough power. The problem being, they don’t realize it. When they don’t realize that they’re only hurting themselves, it’s instinct to find something to blame that’s the closest scapegoat to what your actual problem is. Hopefully reading the rest of this piece of writing will demonstrate the power that you as a human being truly have instead of assuming you’re being controlled by someone or something other than…yourself.

This blog was based off the idea that knowledge can be one of if not the biggest assets to your personal power, combined with the curiosities of the things that you might truly find wrong in the world. I suppose the best way to start is by looking at the bigger picture. With that I ask a few questions to you. Are there really people socially, or economically above you? My answer for this being my website of course, is yes. Although the real question is who or what got them there? Can we truly from a civilian level even answer that question from what we know?

The beginning of an answer we don’t know will begin with you. Through analogies and real life situations, I hope to demonstrate your potential power and control, through logic and common sense, that to a lot wasn’t logic and common sense in the first place, and how someone who is truly above you in “power” and with intentions that may be good or bad (which is up to you to decide if not both) can and will control you.

We’ll start in what is previously referred to in a previous publish on this website as box one. You, just from being a human being most likely have some sort of craving or habit. Maybe it’s a good one or a bad one, if not more than one. Who deciphers what is good and bad though? what is true logic? The answer that isn’t so very common sometimes is common sense. A small example of a bad habit in most peoples eyes is eating McDonald’s fast food. To a lot it tastes great and its affordable and easy to eat. That’s the best way to get anyone to eat anything that’s for sale right? Right. A person but not all people may I add, who eat excessive amounts of McDonalds experience health problems. At the same time, since McDonalds has made it so easy for them to not only manufacture, produce, and sell their food, has millions and millions of customers. Good for them right? They’ve taken advantage of the world given to them and the concrete elements to find a way to make a lot of money. They’re corporation, thanks to all the money they’ve managed to make, has a large impact on things that don’t even pertain to fast food. Money has made them a universal power. They ‘control’ a lot. They’ve even killed some people in the mean time haven’t they? How evil and ridiculous. Let’s take a few steps back though. They’re not printing all that money by themselves are they? No. If that was legal then wouldn’t anyone do it? The money actually comes from their customer’s pocket, like any other business. The people in the bigger picture have given them all this money and control. They didn’t buy the product themselves right? Otherwise they wouldn’t make any money. They’ve in a perspective, have taken advantage of supplying a habit that no matter if it’s good or bad, taken control over so much. But what happens when people not only realize to themselves that McDonald’s is BAD habit, not only that but just control the habit and use common sense to stop it? Wouldn’t big bad McDonalds… go out of business and the power back to you? That’s an easy to understand example of what this publish is truly about and what I want you as a reader to understand.

Many people think the government has too much control over them, which it may or may not basing your opinion off of reading this publish. An example which everyone seems to know of, the illegalization of marijuana. Why does the government not want us to inhale a silly plant? Tobacco cigarettes are legal aren’t they? Alcohol is even legal. However they’re both extremely ‘addictive’. Millions of people spend their money to die faster for something they really want don’t they. Aren’t they’re government agencies that are supposed to control things like tobacco and alcohol’s destructiveness? Of course. Any person with common sense would assume that they would want the best for you, and maybe they do. Then again, who’s the one that legalized these harmful things in the first place and made them so easy and convenient to obtain? Who ‘feeds the addiction’? not you right? Something other than yourself tells you to put something harmful in your body? Your answers here should be obvious but this bit of a spiel is not something to get you side tracked about what this post is about, it’s only to help prove my point that will later be mentioned. Marijuana in terms of health is so much better than these things! You would think of yourself to be a much smarter person to indulge in it opposed to the things I previously mentioned, would you?

At this point, you’re probably thinking I’m just another liberal protesting the legalization of marijuana. To this possible conclusion you may have, I must deny. Here’s why. Marijuana in comparison to alcohol and tobacco must be a less harmful habit, which scientifically is. I mean dang, it’s been around since our historical records remember! So many smart people have utilized it’s therapeutic benefits! Look at Michael Phelps! How many gold medals again? Some successful people must prove that marijuana is a great thing. Even our president earned the nick name ‘Oganga’ in high school! The point is marijuana may or may not have made these people a success, but they themselves did through excelling in what they were passionate about through hard work. So what’s wrong with marijuana then? So far you may still think nothing and the answer is nothing. On the other side of the spectrum lies a lot of drug addicts. People have devoted their life, time and money to a drug. Or should I refer to as, habit. This is not to bash the drug but to bash the users themselves. They’ll do anything to get their hands on it if they’re addicted. Marijuana is just an example coincides with tobacco and alcohol which are both legal. However since Alcohol and tobacco are both legal, isn’t there someone supplying that makes a ton of money off of these addicts? Someone that ‘controls’ them? The answer is yes. The thing about addiction is that the tendency especially Alcohol and Tobacco, is that the more you ingest, the more you want, or should I say ‘need’. You can’t ‘help it’. That’s the problem. Your supplier loves when you have an unlimited craving to what he or she has. So now not only what ever your INANIMATE addiction is has ‘ control’ over you, your supplier a human being has complete control over you. You get what you want, they get what they want. What ever is more valuable is up to you I suppose. Isn’t the control and money more important than the substance though? You can answer that one. Back to marijuana. Don’t we want this oh so godly plant legalized so bad because it’s a better substitute for alcohol and tobacco? The answer is yes, but unfortunately…. it’s a better substitute for a supplier (your government) as well. I’m not saying everyone that smokes marijuana is addicted, but aren’t there still a ton that do? Bashing on marijuana is not what I’m trying to do, but yet the people who make it addictive for themselves. Marijuana in this case is an example I try to use because it’s universally recognized for it’s benefits, downfalls, and legality. Let’s flip the coin to where it would be legal. All the tax dollars increased, a lot of crime lowered, the less trouble people get in, the more empty jail cells we have, and the less inmates our tax dollars are spent on, which are GOOD things! We want that don’t we? What about the disadvantages? are there even any with what most think of this to be a flawless plant? What makes IT less addictive than alcohol and tobacco which also make you obtain such a good feeling? The common denominator here… is the human element. Nothing is addicting, but people introduce and drown themselves in their addiction, no matter what it may be. Again, I’m not saying all pot smokers are addicted. If we did legalize this plant how many addicts would we have out of the 300 million people in this country? How many millions of people would be at the feet of marijuana? The thing is not only the feet of the substance, but to the people who supply it. Who has truly gained power?

My point is not to go against the legalization of marijuana in this example. It’s to go against the people who gain and lose power through something one or the other is addicted to. As I mentioned before, all these inanimate addictions are not to truly blame for the problems ‘they’ cause… the human element is, the person. By not supplying yourself with what you need to be content, and not only that, letting someone else supply whatever it is you ‘NEED’ have control over you… how dangerous does that sound to you? Even if you didn’t smoke marijuana wouldn’t all millions of people who are addicted just be pouring money in the suppliers hands giving them who are the same people that have authority over you, more ‘power’? What else can have more power than the addictions that they supply? Money. Money is a completely different topic though.

The point so far being combined with the McDonalds example is, who is controlling who here? What habits are good and bad? Who should supply these habits? If all I’m telling you is true, then if our government is our supplier, than why haven’t they legalized it? Well the same reason the person of the opposite gender you have an affection for plays hard to get. They make you want them more through negligence. Of course if they don’t legalize it for all the right reasons it will make you want it more. They want you riled up. Fight for the thing that makes them more money! Or as put in anagogical terms mentioned before, make your crush want you even more. That’s what they want in sometimes ways conveyed to you at face value don’t always go ‘straight forward’.

Demonstrated in the previous text, what truly makes a person more powerful than you? With what they have, how are they able to take control of you? How do they use this for an advantage? Why wouldn’t they let you know what’s wrong with you so they would truly help you instead of making them think you’re being helped by supplying what you need? As mentioned before, marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco are just an example I hope for a lot of people to understand. The actual point being that, you as a human being have all the power to control yourself. Anyone or thing that ‘controls’ you simply just supplies what you ‘need’. What’s the solution for being freed? The answer is controlling yourself. Do something that benefits you. Supply what you truly do need, and what isn’t actually bad. Progress yourself. Don’t let someone else do it for you, because as dumb as it sounds, someone would happily do it for you. Do it for yourself. Even if there is still millions of alcoholics still out there, what if they simply made their own beer/ liquor? What would happen to the original suppliers? Wouldn’t they lose ‘control’? If every McDonald’s customer grilled a cheeseburger they enjoyed just as much if not more, how much ‘control’ would McDonald’s lose? No matter your habit, good or bad, counter economics will only empower you more, and have your former ‘controllers’ lose their ‘power’. I guess what can be taken out of this is, that a lot of the time the person or people that control you are the owns to outsmart, and manipulate you with the thing they want you to believe. Their advantage being the knowledge you don’t you wish you had.

Empower yourself to fit your demands. The only thing that gives humans more power, is other humans, not their supply. Don’t create scapegoats to your problems. Empower yourself through the concrete knowledge you posses, then try to build on it with your curiosity stepping you on the next flight of stairs. Identify the true problem, not all the reasons that justify its existence. When you come down to who or what is truly causing it, then find the solution or if the solution is hidden, then ask who has the answers. If the answer doesn’t make sense, then identify the things you see making logic and common sense not add up. Investigate them. Know that most of the time human emotion, greed, manipulation, or error are the true problems. This doesn’t just apply to your government or drug addiction, it applies to a variety of what you thought problems caused by something else are caused by yourself, or may I say the person that has control over you. Do something. No human is more powerful than another. Take advantage of it. Manifest and capitalize yourself. We live in a country ran by capitalism, kill the problems from the inside. -Neek

Education, Learning, and School. The curiosities formed by what I see to be wrong in the Educational system.

If you were to be as curious enough to look up the definition of the word “education” in an English dictionary, you would find what you read to be a tad bit different to what you originally thought the definition of education is. One definition that might open your eyes is, “the process of giving or receiving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university”. I’m sure the two words that caught your eye were, “systematic” and “instruction” and hey, they caught mine too, and I will address my thoughts on that briefly. However the thing that disappoints me worse about our definition of education is what is missing from the definition. What about knowledge, what about fulfillment of ones curiosity? What about individuality and individual interest? By my own and hopefully not my own common sense, should these be a more accurate, or “correct” vision on what education should be? Or perhaps I’m speaking to myself here. Let’s rewind to the things I found atrocious that were included in our current definition of what we call, “education”. Excuse my language, but “systematic instruction”? What? You mean the process of instructing a large enough group of peers that it’s considered systematic? Or I am I just twisting words here? You mean to tell me that receiving instruction and fulfilling it up to your all mighty instructors standards is what we call, “learning” or making you smarter in the least bit of way? You mean to tell me that no one in the large pool of their peers is focused on individually enough so they’re “systematically” taught and attended to their needs to succeed in what is an already a broken “education” atmosphere? To me, the last thing that would ever define intelligence is being “instructed” on what others of a higher authority in the food chain of life apparently know so much about. Doesn’t that make you vulnerable in to what they want you to know, and at the same time don’t want you to know? Or are you going to contradict what they think, tell yourself what to believe or know as a fact contradictory to our or instruction and still become a success in their “education” system, and then make a success out of your life you value so much? The answer is a fat no. To me less intelligent people automatically cling to what they believe to be portrayed as authorities that are smarter than all of us either convey to us or instruct us to do. Intelligent people in my book, believe to what they think has reason, evidence and true belief in what they think is true, even if it is contradictory to what your teacher, or should I say “instructor” tells you to believe. I’m not trying to say that everything that you may have learned in school is wrong, there are some concrete facts of course, but who’s the one to change the ones that you may find wrong, useless, or outdated? With this question I will segway you to my next sub topic in this discussion about education, the curriculum. Now, as a senior high school student I know for a fact I’m not the only one who has sat a desk and thought to myself in a depleting matter “how is what my teacher is teaching me ever going to be useful in my life as a successful human being on this planet?” The truth is this, yes, sometimes if not more often than not, you will come across concepts that you know for a certain fact will provide with you no service as a human being, or sometimes even the path you want to take in order to be successful in life. In fact you may find the time you’re wasting on that concept to actually be a disservice because of the time you’re wasting that should be spent on what you believe to be useful to your self, and respectfully so. Sometimes you will say the same thing about concepts that may seem to you as a student, just as useless. With this being said, I think we can all learn from past experiences in our lives, that although some things may seem dumb, irrelevant, and useless in your life, with the right situation down the road, you may discover whether it would be days, weeks, months, years, decades, or even an entire lifetime, to be a valuable lesson. You develop your own conservative view on what was taught to you, from experience. The third category I can address to the curriculum, is the information, although still not close to conveyed the right way to students, is actually useful. With addressing these three categories I hope to have given credit to the curriculum where credit is do, while at the same time, pointing out the flaws as well. However this whole time I’ve been breaking down the actual problem I’m trying to desperately address here, and that is the curriculum itself. Besides the fact that was already shared by me about the some of the curriculum having it be a standard to learn things that are completely useless to you and waste your precious time, the problem is that there is even a curriculum itself. With the curriculum comes with every required subject a syllabus. A syllabus can basically be explained as, “a list of things that must be taught or should I say, systematically instructed, and learned by students by the time the course has completed it’s process. This causes many problems. A major one being your instructor may have no other choice but to rush you and your peers through lessons in the course, which may cause you to not fully understand or just not have the time to understand and grasp if you did have the time. Why the rush? The rush being a problem also explains the problem of sometimes more often than not, too many lessons are jam packed in the syllabus in such a short amount of time. If you wanted to learn geometry on your own, would you honestly say to your self, “the best way to learn and understand geometry is to try to learn and complete assignments, tests, and quizzes, on 14 chapters in a little under 4 1/2 months? Also at the same time the five other subjects you could be trying to do the same thing in? I’ll let you find that answer yourself. With this kind of system, are we doing nothing but asking for education malpractice? Even if you do as a student score well on everything you’ve had to cover in such a short amount of time, who says you’re even going to remember it going into the next semester? Let alone take it with you and use it to your advantage in life. After all, like I mentioned before, all this information being involuntarily crammed in your not even fully developed brain, is “systematically instructed” but systematically tested. Which leads me in to the next subtopic, grades and motivation. Let’s take a look at the every day life of a student. This will seem redundant to what you most likely already know, because you as a student yourself may experience the same thing everyday. You wake up, if the moon hasn’t just vanished from the sky, then its still there. Either its still black as night out, or the light before the sun rises has just barley broken the barrier to find it self to your eye, resulting in a light purple to dark pink color in the sky. Science itself says, that depending on your daily/nightly functions your sleep schedule and times of wakefulness will vary from person to person. However, science and research also proves that when most people reach adolescence they experience what can be called a sleep delay, causing them to be more alert at night, and rarely fall asleep before 11:00pm. I know I’m not the only teenager that knows what I’m talking about, but has experienced it first hand. This causes you to lose your x amount of hours of sleep you need for your brain and body to function properly in combination of the obnoxiously early time for school to start. With that being said scientific research also says your brain didn’t function at that ridiculous time in the morning anyway! Haven’t you experienced it yourself as a student? Let alone have little to any motivation for you to get out of bed, let alone get yourself and attend a school full of the overwhelming academic standards and a lot of your peers if not all feeling the same way as you do. Heck, sometimes in good ole’ Swartz Creek it can get even harder with the cold! Sometimes temperatures dip to -20 degrees farenheight below 0! Since that doesn’t cancel school sometimes just for the unfortunate students who weren’t lucky enough to be blessed with their own car or bus route, or parent available to drive to school, have the cruel, saddening task of walking to school. A bit touchy but I myself get a considerably upset for those students. I mean just getting to school walking in a -20 wind chill should be an accomplishment in your day. I myself as a student at SCHS entering the doors from the student parking lot because I personally drive myself to school see students with either their nostrils literally formed in to a mucus ice sickles, or tears on their cheeks frozen (most likely from having to face the wind in an already polar climate on their hard agonizing walk) when I choose to hold the door for behind me. Going on an Alaskan journey to school. The saddest part is, most of those students had truly no say on whether they had to walk that walk. If you are under the age of a minor, it is MANDATORY you attend school. One person that can prevent a mandatory walk to a place (through which hopefully if you read further find out is corrupt) sometimes more often than not doesn’t cancel school. I personally have had my own objections to the super intendent’s poor and inconsiderate decisions on whether its too cold for school or not. I know the best way was to let someone in authority know is to respectfully voice my opinion to the people who actually had their part in the system. One example being one morning when I awoke to the pitch black sky seen through my window, I checked my smart phone for the temperature it read -19 degrees farenheight below 0. The main roads when I drove out to school that day being coated in snow as well. I found this preposterous, that the decision made had 0 consideration to the less fortunate students I mentioned earlier and a bunch of others. So I took it in my own hands to voice my opinion politely. I called the administration office to an answer of a kind hearted lady who replied to my complaint of everything mentioned above with the words of” I reassure you everything is fine our superintended observed the conditions at 4 am this morning he says its fine out there.” After that the urge to not crack up at the stupidity of the situation itself, I told the kind office lady to have a nice day and hung up the phone. I carried on with my day. The question I’m trying to point out is, if school and learning is so valuable (which it can be, and my opinion should be) then why was this whole routine for me as a student, with every aspect I’ve mentioned before like the depriving of self thought, attention, overloading and a lot of times useless curriculum and syllabus, waking up inhumanely early, being amongst people who are on the same level of naturally induced levels of low effort, designed for me as a student to have every last drop of motivation sucked out of me? Don’t you think it should be the other way around? An analogy you might find accurate is an Egyptian slave with a constant whip or spear held to his or her back physically forcing you to carry things that are too heavy for your body to handle up a long inclined plane, where you see your fellow slaves carrying the same exact thing on their back (reference to “systematical Instructing”) in to something bigger that you all posses a small, identical piece of. The topic of grades is a funny one to say the least. Along with school being mandatory, grades also defeat their own purpose in a few ways. One way grades aren’t right in accommodation with the mandatory school system is that instead of strengthen a students motivation, they only contradict themselves. A students shouldn’t receive grades in what he or she is not interested in learning in. Along with that, if you’re truly a student that has a passion to learn, you would realize grades are the last thing you would care about, because the motivation is already with in you. If the common objective is to truly learn then “grades” would not be a true measurement of what you learn. Progress in knowledge would be. Not to mention with grades, it is not a universal way to measure EVERYBODY’S style of learning, especially with school being mandatory of tracking how much you’ve truly learned or had the motivation to learn. They’re just numbers that are based off percentages of how much of the “systematical instruction” you remember. Some students if not a lot to most, simply don’t accommodate on focusing on things that they feel don’t fill their true knowledge, or don’t help them in life, or just don’t find remotely interesting at all. Ask me first hand. The second my English teacher starts mentioning anything regarding medieval play, my headphones go straight in and my music to the highest volume. A disclaimer being that said play doesn’t have any valuable lessons, but if any none that spark my interest, and if any did spark my interest then, you most likely don’t need to read a play to find them out, let alone get a bunch of answers wrong regarding what color Romeos mustache was in the play “Romeo & Juliet”. Because if I don’t know that, I must obviously to my English teacher come off as a pretty stupid kid won’t I? With the grim reality we inhabit I just explained, I will now explain to you it’s opposite. You wake up, you still have an alarm, the school can not accommodate a whole student body’s sleep schedule on an individual basis. However there is a reasonable time where you wake up. The sun is shining, you feel restored after a full nights sleep. The school you attend to, values you as an individual student. Your thoughts ideas, and curiosities are helped manifested by your teacher. Your peers are just as motivated as you are. Instead of school being mandatory, its the people who want to learn and take joy in it who fill the desks. Concrete concepts are still taught to you, but in a more compressible style that accommodates your learning the material, but letting you actually utilize it later in life instead of forgetting it after your exams. You don’t do it for the grades, you do it for whole reason of why school was invented in the first place! A place to learn. You actually find school to not be just a great place to you, but one of your favorite places. Why is the way everything now is set up for us to fail? Questions that may arise from you are “Who in the right mind would set things up for us to fail and why?” “Why aren’t things set up the opposite of what’s right? “What would things be like if thinks were actually straight forward?” “Maybe this whole set up of leading and school is like this for a greater reason someone else know or a reason we simply can’t understand?” Those questions and others you have had came up with on your own, are what I will leave you with being the fruits of my writing. Hopefully the answers to these questions which you may or may not find become the fruits of your curiosity. Thank you for reading. -Neek

Welcome to The Voice of Neek!

Welcome to the blog! “The Voice of Neek” will cover a vast variety of subjects. They will all be very interesting, controversial, and some topics pertaining to Swartz Creek itself! This first post is one of a broader spiel that can’t really be identified with a certain label or topic, but none the less something that will hopefully spark your interest in this blog. Enjoy!

The thing about thinking in a backwards fashion is that it does make sense as long as your A-B are the same idea. But we live in a world where 99 percent think straight forward. They become unconscious introverts, by letting the world they see and sense come in to them. They almost wash out their selves with out realizing it. Where is your input on reality if all the reality you know is the one you’re taking in in front of your eyes? Your reality would be what everyone else’s input would be. Being an introvert is actually to me, being the biggest extrovert possible. When you start to construct a reality inside of you, you automatically have an unspoken output in the world in front of you. The world on the outside becomes the world on the inside. That’s the beauty. Your perception not only changes, but actually becomes more accurate to yourself. I’ve found that the best way to live is to build your own Utopia inside of you, then live in it. Carve a hole in the box of the outside world lives in and construct your own box. When you live from the inside out which sounds backwards, you’ll find the outside world will naturally accomadate you. I’ve enjoyed thinking backwards to pull strings socially, and economically to achieve what I want. Most people question what I do because it doesn’t add up to what makes sense to them. It shouldn’t make sense to them. Thank god is doesn’t, or else part of my methods would be compromised and my extra step vanishes. The thing is, people think forwards, but emotionally, they feel backwards. I am the complete oppisite. When you utilize the reciprocal of peoples desires, emotions, and needs, you become their god. When you realize that people feel their emotions back wards, you can work up the most elaborate plots to have them at your feet, and get what you want. Along with effortless manipulation of people who haven’t understood my methods of fulfilling my intentions, I live in my own box. Your own utopia, one that you want to make better than the one you came from and look down upon everyday. You want to achieve far past the accomplishments of what were already established in the box you came from. Along with your own utopia, comes your own source of information. The box I came from had books, movies, people, art ect ect to gain knowledge from. In my utopia, the only thing I go to for any questions I have, is myself. I realize what I don’t actually know from the box I came from. I am the god of my own utopia, how ever in box one, I was on the lowest level. The gods in box 1 enjoyed me relying off their sources of answers. They only accomadte themselves of course. But its their box. They built it. Right? Isn’t that how it should be? Now that I’m living in my own utopia I’ve realized that curiosity is the most precious thing. I’ve rethought everything.I want the true answers to everything. The true answers all lay inside of me, because in my own utopia, there’s no one else who has the true answers, but myself. When I became re-acquainted with all the answers I now find true, I see them correspond to the world outside of me, and my answers provide me with reasoning with why the things are outside are they way they are. My reality in all forms is gaining more and more progress, to the actual clarity. When I’ve reached my baseline. The next step is to manifest my curiosity to the questions no one in my box and only a few in box one know, if any. This is the starting of the process of my own evolution. The more I grow, the more answers I realize were right in front of me the whole time, the more it makes sense. Knowledge is power. Understanding politics is a small step to take if you’re trying to figure out what’s going on behind the curtain. It will help you understand motives, motives to things you don’t know. Things you don’t know and the people behind the curtain want you to think you know. The way I put it as “the things we don’t that we don’t realize we don’t know” People don’t know that they don’t know. They think they know. They love the assurance of knowing something as a simple fact, up to the deepest secrets of the human race. The smallest of facts and biggest of secrets are only things you can comprehend in box 1, because if you’re still inside box one, then how would you find the true answer to something you DONT truly know? When you use everything you find to be a true fact in your own reality, and it matches the highest minded people in box one, then you’ve found a mutual answer to something you both might have had the same question to. But this answer…. How does it possibly exist in two separate realities? How? What, or who depending on your views, made this, and how was this thing or person both equally potrayed in two separate realities no matter how different they might be? How are so many different worlds and conciousses tied together in a mutual way at any level? If two things that were at the highest level of consciousness in their own box meet at the intersection of the road? What is actually what someone would call… “The bigger picture”? Who or what painted it? How? All the answers are inside of the universe we live in. But how did they all get there? Then you realize, you’re at the bottom of an even BIGGER box. You wonder what is this thing higher than the highest level thinking human being? What is the god of this box? What if I got to the highest level of consciousness in this box and there is an even higher conciousness than that? You realize how much you don’t know. You realize that these boxes can repeat forever in the quantum universe. You realize even when you’re out of box 1, that when you were in box one, you couldn’t possibly fathom the constructive possibilities of box two because they were completely different than the ones in box one and you don’t know them. They’re 100% the things you least and most expect. It all builds off itself. You can’t jump from box one to box 5 without knowing what’s actually the truth and answers in all the previous boxes. Its not easy gaining real knowledge about the box you’re in. You’re a human being. I mentioned earlier about how being an introvert is being the biggest extrovert, and the process of rethinking the most basic things to make the bigger things make sense to you and find the true answers. When someone says to me, you don’t even use close to your whole brain, that tells me that my thought of the answers lying inside of you could very possibly be true. Why are we rigged to only use a small fraction of our brain? What if I actually found a way to use the whole thing? Would I know everything in all boxes possible? Would I then be considered, a “god”? At the same time while I mention that using 100% of your brain could make you a god, I realize that all I have is my brain. And when I thought using 100% of my brain made me a god, figuring out 100% of your brain to me, could still be… Box one. The possibilities of knowledge and existence could be endless. However, if someone or something did get to an end of the road, the end or what may be looked at as “the beginning” of the road, and you truly know everything in all aspects and there isn’t anything in existence on all levels that knows more than you. Maybe there is a God! And you’ve found him. But if there’s nothing there… Then, aren’t you god? The word universe makes sense if you break it down makes more sense now. Everything in to or created by one. But that’s just one universe. This whole thing again can be looked at as still… Box 1. We only live in our own, how can we escape it if its infinitley expanding? For those who have knowledge of the things in space you could give a pretty obvious answer. With curiosity being the most precious thing, you can start to believe that there is more than one universe. Perhaps they’re all part of something even bigger. But what is the most extravagant form of existence we know besides a universe and reality itself?  Nothing that we truly know. Something that we must have to fully admit we don’t know unless weve seen what or who making everything that holds all information pouring, in and out of this one thing that is truly at not the end of the road, but the beginning of everything that we know and don’t know, or may never find out. What ever or who ever that thing might be is up to you. If only we could back track to the very beggining of time itself. The only way we could is to string together the dead conciouses of the past all the way back to the very first one in chronological order. In other words explore the fourth dimension and time travel. However, even if we were to succeed in that and ask the oldest consciousness at the very end of the line “what made you?” Do you know every last thing that in all the universes, multiverses, and so on,It could answer, “I don’t know.” Then we find ourselves all the way back in… Box 1. This leads up to the basic question of, what or who is truly at the top of all boxes in pure existence itself. Or how did existence itself even come about? What was before existence itself existed? I have no answers. I know nothing, nothing at all. I know what every box above me wants me to know. I guess the topic I can put on these words is that sometimes science and spirituality can merge in to something that makes sense to you. I hope you enjoyed. Hopefully this will have you anticipate next weeks topic and the blog in general.