Welcome to The Voice of Neek!

Welcome to the blog! “The Voice of Neek” will cover a vast variety of subjects. They will all be very interesting, controversial, and some topics pertaining to Swartz Creek itself! This first post is one of a broader spiel that can’t really be identified with a certain label or topic, but none the less something that will hopefully spark your interest in this blog. Enjoy!

The thing about thinking in a backwards fashion is that it does make sense as long as your A-B are the same idea. But we live in a world where 99 percent think straight forward. They become unconscious introverts, by letting the world they see and sense come in to them. They almost wash out their selves with out realizing it. Where is your input on reality if all the reality you know is the one you’re taking in in front of your eyes? Your reality would be what everyone else’s input would be. Being an introvert is actually to me, being the biggest extrovert possible. When you start to construct a reality inside of you, you automatically have an unspoken output in the world in front of you. The world on the outside becomes the world on the inside. That’s the beauty. Your perception not only changes, but actually becomes more accurate to yourself. I’ve found that the best way to live is to build your own Utopia inside of you, then live in it. Carve a hole in the box of the outside world lives in and construct your own box. When you live from the inside out which sounds backwards, you’ll find the outside world will naturally accomadate you. I’ve enjoyed thinking backwards to pull strings socially, and economically to achieve what I want. Most people question what I do because it doesn’t add up to what makes sense to them. It shouldn’t make sense to them. Thank god is doesn’t, or else part of my methods would be compromised and my extra step vanishes. The thing is, people think forwards, but emotionally, they feel backwards. I am the complete oppisite. When you utilize the reciprocal of peoples desires, emotions, and needs, you become their god. When you realize that people feel their emotions back wards, you can work up the most elaborate plots to have them at your feet, and get what you want. Along with effortless manipulation of people who haven’t understood my methods of fulfilling my intentions, I live in my own box. Your own utopia, one that you want to make better than the one you came from and look down upon everyday. You want to achieve far past the accomplishments of what were already established in the box you came from. Along with your own utopia, comes your own source of information. The box I came from had books, movies, people, art ect ect to gain knowledge from. In my utopia, the only thing I go to for any questions I have, is myself. I realize what I don’t actually know from the box I came from. I am the god of my own utopia, how ever in box one, I was on the lowest level. The gods in box 1 enjoyed me relying off their sources of answers. They only accomadte themselves of course. But its their box. They built it. Right? Isn’t that how it should be? Now that I’m living in my own utopia I’ve realized that curiosity is the most precious thing. I’ve rethought everything.I want the true answers to everything. The true answers all lay inside of me, because in my own utopia, there’s no one else who has the true answers, but myself. When I became re-acquainted with all the answers I now find true, I see them correspond to the world outside of me, and my answers provide me with reasoning with why the things are outside are they way they are. My reality in all forms is gaining more and more progress, to the actual clarity. When I’ve reached my baseline. The next step is to manifest my curiosity to the questions no one in my box and only a few in box one know, if any. This is the starting of the process of my own evolution. The more I grow, the more answers I realize were right in front of me the whole time, the more it makes sense. Knowledge is power. Understanding politics is a small step to take if you’re trying to figure out what’s going on behind the curtain. It will help you understand motives, motives to things you don’t know. Things you don’t know and the people behind the curtain want you to think you know. The way I put it as “the things we don’t that we don’t realize we don’t know” People don’t know that they don’t know. They think they know. They love the assurance of knowing something as a simple fact, up to the deepest secrets of the human race. The smallest of facts and biggest of secrets are only things you can comprehend in box 1, because if you’re still inside box one, then how would you find the true answer to something you DONT truly know? When you use everything you find to be a true fact in your own reality, and it matches the highest minded people in box one, then you’ve found a mutual answer to something you both might have had the same question to. But this answer…. How does it possibly exist in two separate realities? How? What, or who depending on your views, made this, and how was this thing or person both equally potrayed in two separate realities no matter how different they might be? How are so many different worlds and conciousses tied together in a mutual way at any level? If two things that were at the highest level of consciousness in their own box meet at the intersection of the road? What is actually what someone would call… “The bigger picture”? Who or what painted it? How? All the answers are inside of the universe we live in. But how did they all get there? Then you realize, you’re at the bottom of an even BIGGER box. You wonder what is this thing higher than the highest level thinking human being? What is the god of this box? What if I got to the highest level of consciousness in this box and there is an even higher conciousness than that? You realize how much you don’t know. You realize that these boxes can repeat forever in the quantum universe. You realize even when you’re out of box 1, that when you were in box one, you couldn’t possibly fathom the constructive possibilities of box two because they were completely different than the ones in box one and you don’t know them. They’re 100% the things you least and most expect. It all builds off itself. You can’t jump from box one to box 5 without knowing what’s actually the truth and answers in all the previous boxes. Its not easy gaining real knowledge about the box you’re in. You’re a human being. I mentioned earlier about how being an introvert is being the biggest extrovert, and the process of rethinking the most basic things to make the bigger things make sense to you and find the true answers. When someone says to me, you don’t even use close to your whole brain, that tells me that my thought of the answers lying inside of you could very possibly be true. Why are we rigged to only use a small fraction of our brain? What if I actually found a way to use the whole thing? Would I know everything in all boxes possible? Would I then be considered, a “god”? At the same time while I mention that using 100% of your brain could make you a god, I realize that all I have is my brain. And when I thought using 100% of my brain made me a god, figuring out 100% of your brain to me, could still be… Box one. The possibilities of knowledge and existence could be endless. However, if someone or something did get to an end of the road, the end or what may be looked at as “the beginning” of the road, and you truly know everything in all aspects and there isn’t anything in existence on all levels that knows more than you. Maybe there is a God! And you’ve found him. But if there’s nothing there… Then, aren’t you god? The word universe makes sense if you break it down makes more sense now. Everything in to or created by one. But that’s just one universe. This whole thing again can be looked at as still… Box 1. We only live in our own, how can we escape it if its infinitley expanding? For those who have knowledge of the things in space you could give a pretty obvious answer. With curiosity being the most precious thing, you can start to believe that there is more than one universe. Perhaps they’re all part of something even bigger. But what is the most extravagant form of existence we know besides a universe and reality itself?  Nothing that we truly know. Something that we must have to fully admit we don’t know unless weve seen what or who making everything that holds all information pouring, in and out of this one thing that is truly at not the end of the road, but the beginning of everything that we know and don’t know, or may never find out. What ever or who ever that thing might be is up to you. If only we could back track to the very beggining of time itself. The only way we could is to string together the dead conciouses of the past all the way back to the very first one in chronological order. In other words explore the fourth dimension and time travel. However, even if we were to succeed in that and ask the oldest consciousness at the very end of the line “what made you?” Do you know every last thing that in all the universes, multiverses, and so on,It could answer, “I don’t know.” Then we find ourselves all the way back in… Box 1. This leads up to the basic question of, what or who is truly at the top of all boxes in pure existence itself. Or how did existence itself even come about? What was before existence itself existed? I have no answers. I know nothing, nothing at all. I know what every box above me wants me to know. I guess the topic I can put on these words is that sometimes science and spirituality can merge in to something that makes sense to you. I hope you enjoyed. Hopefully this will have you anticipate next weeks topic and the blog in general.

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